Monday, January 02, 2006

...and he's back!

Jesus this blog stuff can be frustrating! I tried to write another entry a couple of days ago to find the site claimed my java and cookies weren't enabled. Followed the instructions but found it still didn't work. BASTARD MACHINE! Felt quite Luddish there for a moment.

Back to work tomorrow. The break has flown by and I am now faced with two weeks without Kaz at home. Hopefully she'll have a good time on holiday. I went to my best friend's Ty's house on New Years Eve. He cooked a green curry, the recipe from NASA, as far as I could tell. Nice but 'king hot! Watched the fire works on the tele at midnight- around the London Eye. Apparently they cost £1 million. Now I know I'm gonna sound like a miserable lefty git, but £1 million??? That's a lot of poppy to go up in smoke. I mean "Hello? Homeless people?" Bloody priorities are all over the place.

Walked in Sheepcote Valley this morning with the dog. The place was teaming with bird life- Thrushes, Blackbirds, Wagtails, Gold Finches, Crows and seagulls. Its really lovely to walk there in the morning.

Nearly midnight and should get some shut eye. Woodcraft Folk District meeting next Friday to discuss whether we attend the International Camp in 2006.

Really not ready to return to work!

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