Kaz and Jo went off to Kenya on Friday for two weeks. Its been Kaz' dream to do a safari as see the "big five". As Jo is 19 its a good opportunity for them to spend "quality time" together (I fucking hate that phrase! You feel it should always be inverted commas and was invented by some middle class wanker who liked the sound of his only voice... not like you at all then, I can hear you muttering.)
Anyway as a consequence I have my other two kids to myself and have spent the weekend decorating, washing, drying, cooking, cleaning up etc. Must be karma!
Its gonna sound soppy but I really miss Kaz already. I feel really unsettled and kind off out of focus. Know what I mean? Jesus she only left yesterday! I've got abother 13 days to go, with a full on workload to handle, including helping organise a Parliamentary lobby.
Tomorrow, more of the same. I tell ya, hats off to women and men who are lone parents!