On Saturday Kaz didn't move from her sofa (yes we have his and hers sofas!!) and orgininally I thought it was self induced by too much pop. It turned out that she had come down with the virus that's been doing the rounds... I know this because I went down with it on Sunday. It was very unpleasant. I felt fine in the morning walking Honey and watching Liam play football, but by 3pm I felt crap.
I had to walk Honey on Saturday alone...usually Kaz and I walk the dog together over the weekend and its a bit of time on our own to talk about the week just gone and family stuff. Anyhow, I was walking Honey in Sheepcote Valley, down by the fenced area on the valley bottom, when I spied a male Kestrel sitting on the fence. I approached slowly and got within 10 feet of him. I could clearly make out his plumage and his beed like eyes. We stared at each other for about 5 minutes, and eventually I walked on. The Kestrel didn't stir at all. It was a remarkable sight and made my day.
On Sunday I watched the film "War of the Buttons" a beautiful film about two gangs of kids living in rural Ireland on opposite sides of a river and their simulated battles where trophies are the buttons cut off their enemy's shirts. Its a film obviously made for kids but has some well handled themes about nature as a teacher, nature as a reconciler and the exploitation of nature for money. If you ever get a chance to see it, you simply must.
I can't say it was a great weekend with Kaz and I being ill in turn. I went to bed at 7pm on Sunday night a slept fitfully...or was it the sleep of the unrighteous? The sleep of a guilty person who had mentally accused his partner of self inflicted wounds of a alcoholic kind?