Friday, March 16, 2007

Avenue Q

Last week I took the Venturers (Woodcraft Folk teenagers) to see a show in London. They wanted to see Avenue Q, a kind of adult Sesame Street. I knew it was going to be something of a piss take when one of the opening songs was "Everybody is a little bit racist"! It was very funny, although the image of two puppets copulating will stay with me for a long time! The young people enjoyed it enormously. The sets were very cleverly constructed.

The journey through the underground was a bit freaky. There were 19 teenagers, some clearly on another planet! It was like herding cats! But we managed it and didn't lose anyone on the tube. The Venturers got to go for free, thanks to a Youth Opportunities Fund grant administered by Brighton Council.

I had promised myself not to submit motions to this year's Woodcraft Folk conference, as I'm still undecided as to whether to attend or not. Its in York, which is further than I want to travel for a weekend under canvas. The actual conference will be one day, the second is usually workshops- which I personally loath, and think are a bit of a waste of time. But to be fair, I think I'm in a minority within the movement on that one!

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