Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sussex Ouse Valley Way Day 3

The final day of the walk started at the Chalk Pit Inn with a fantastic breakfast. We were well rested and ready to go. We had to retrace our steps to Offham and then cut down a bridleway that took us down through a wood and then took us along the side of a stream linking up with the Ouse. There was an enormous cacophany of sound coming from the stream. We thought it was ducks, but when we looked closer it was some frogs or toads. I have never heard such a loud noise from something so small. It was incredible.

The path then followed the river and crossed and led us into Lewes. We stopped off at the Harveys brewery shop and Dad bought a couple of bottles of ale to take home with him. Lewes is a funny little town. Its really middle class but also, whereas say Cheltenham is Tory, is definitely liberal with a small L. It still makes me scoff a little I guess.

Heading out of Lewes the path again followed the river. We headed towards Mount Caburn. The massive hill instantly recognisable across the Ouse, with paragliders taking off from its summit- loking like silk hankies. It this point we were now more able to see the birdlife on the river, Egrets, Herons, Canadian Geese etc. Pretty much this day followed the river along its winding course.

Soon we were heading through Rodmell, a delightful Sussex village. We stopped at the Abergavenny Arms. The pub garden was full of people with plummy voices that got under my skin. But we were thirsty so we sat there and Kaz and I had cider... but I managed to sit on a chair that had been hosed down and was still wet! So I ended up with a wet arse! I wasn't pleased!

As we approached Newhaven the path swung away from the river and took us inland along a path lined with trees. The path led up a hill and we stopped for lunch on the hill before continuing on. The sun beat down and we chilled out. There was something relaxing about sitting there laughing, chatting and feeling the grass beneath us. The run into Newhaven was the least enjoyable part of the walk, but I have never been na big fan of Newhaven. We stopped at another pub near the port- but it was the biggest craphole I have ever been in, still the beer was cold.

At the end of the walk we headed to Bishopstoke station and just missed a train! As we waited for the next train, rabbits came out and sat on the other platform, like long eared commuters!

It was a great walk and we all enjoyed it tremendously. Kaz now is up for the 1066 walk- about 30 odd miles- which we could do in two days.

Watch this space!

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