Friday, October 26, 2007

Holiday like an Egyptian!

So we're back from Egypt. The holiday I was dreading...a bit. Smelly, dusty, poor, living its past glory days.

How wrong can you be? Well except for insisting Sadam had weapons of mass distruction or that George Bush and Tony Blair could be trusted...

We (Kaz, Josie ann, Craig and myself) flew out and the journey was about 6 hours. As I was going through Gatwick security I got stopped. Only a moment before I had been quipping about looking like a member of Bader Meinhoff on my passport. The security made me empty my hand luggage (a day sac) and then scanned it again. Nope. The security still were not happy. I stood there bemused. Finally they waved me through. When I was unpacking my sac I discovered wedged right in the bottom a serrated edged knife, Kaz and I use for camping! Shite! Try explaining that one! It became a standing joke for the rest of the holiday.

The hotel was fantastic- right at the end of Sharm El Sheikh and the staff were so friendly and never had their hand out! Everywhere else tipping was expected, nay demanded! We flew to Cairo after a couple of days to see the pyramids. I was really not fussed about it. But when I saw them in situ I was dumb struck. This might seem obvious, but they were so big! The first one built had over 2.6 million bricks in it! And we're not talking house bricks, but bricks two or three metres wide and maybe 1.5 metres high! Later we went to the Egyptian Museum, but we were all tired and the museum is ancient and unsuited for the huge exhibitions available within its portal. But I did get to see Tutankaman's death mask, which was incredible although it did have a little ding in it. But that just made it more real somehow.

Jo had her 21st birthday during the holiday. She didn't want any fuss and thought she got away with it. But I had secretly planned a surprise for her. At the restaurant they brought out a huge basket of flowers and sparkling wine. Then over the PA the dongs of Big Ben chimed and the refrain of "Happy Birthday" boomed out. Jo blushed a fetching shade of crimson! But I think she was glad we made the effort.

Kaz and I also went off for a Bedouin "Experience". This involved being driving into the Sinai desert and riding bloody camels (see photo above). They are strange beasts to ride and I nearly shit myself as it stood up with me clinging on for dear life to the saddle's pummel muttering "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" They we had some mint tea, ate a meal and smoked a bubbly pipe in the shade of a shelter, that couldn't really be called a tent. The Bedouin danced for us (no sign of women- all men). As the night sky descended we were driven off for star gazing. Unfortunately there was a half moon and its silver light caused more light pollution that street lights in Woodingdean! But al in all it was a good afternoon and evening and Kaz and I got some time on our own.

Jo had chosen this destination because of the snorking and fish you could see. Me? Swimming like a shovel and all, I had not the faintest interest. But Kaz really wanted me to try it, so I went in near the jetty at the hotel. The Red Sea buoyed me up and I could put my feet on the sea floor. What an amazing sight! All around the coral were fish of every shape, size and colour! Angel fish, box fish, puffers, parrot fish! Even I became a convert. Kaz saw a Dorree, but no Nimo!

Maybe I'm getting old... This year I took care not to burn! Although I did manage to get too drunk on two occasions. It wasn't Jo giving me dagger looks for showing her was Kaz! Talk about pot calling the kettle black!
I had a great time and got to spend time with Jo, which I rarely do these days, and I got to assess Craig her new boyfriend... What's he like? He'll do!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Is it me or is everyone going FACEBOOK crazy? Kaz used to moan at me because after putting the kettle on in the morning I would turn on the computer. Now she beats me to it, sits there slurping tea and munching on toast. A friend put on her status update that she was late for work!

Rewind. You had time, when you're late for work, to put that onto Facebook before you went? See? Crazy!

On the other hand, you get miserable ol' gits like Ty who has been set up, but thinks its humbug and refuses to acknowledge friend requests... including mine! How hurtful is that? Sometimes I think he just doesn't care like he used to! Mind you, this is the bloke who went out with a group of us to a Tapas bar in Ibiza, helped order about 20 dishes, then say Tapas wasn't real food (as the juice of a shrimp ran down his chin...)
I think FACEBOOK is great. You can catch up with mates, send them video, photos etc. Its a bit less impersonal than email and more interactive. Any site that allows you to send Family Guy quotes to other people, gets my vote.


So we're off to Egypt tomorrow morning, leaving the two youngest in the care of their grandmother whilst Kaz, Jo, her boyfriend and myself escape the rain and go and burn to a crisp at Sharm El Sheikh. Its Jo's 21st birthday and this is what she wanted to do. So its been fraught! Work is full on, Kaz bro's partner just had her first baby, we're trying to remortgage and Kaz and I were both trying to finish the books we have been reading! How sad is that!

Bags are packed, passports found, lost, then found again! Currency changed. My wardrobe discussed by Kaz and Jo- who never spares your feelings. She looks you up and down, arches an eyebrow, gives you one of those contemptous looks that say "Dad, you're NOT wearing that, are you?" Of course then I play up by suggesting wearing my boxers on my barnet as a form of head gear! Jo breaks and whines, "Tell him mum, I'm not being seen dead with him like that!" Jesus! You put your pants on your head and suddenly everyone is a fashion critic!

Anyhow I have about five books for the holiday. YES FIVE! I intend to drink, read, get a bit hot and have a dip in the pool. And repeat the process ad infinitum until I fall into the pool because I might have "overdone the sun a bit"! People think 5 books is alot, but they cater for my different moods!