Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Is it me or is everyone going FACEBOOK crazy? Kaz used to moan at me because after putting the kettle on in the morning I would turn on the computer. Now she beats me to it, sits there slurping tea and munching on toast. A friend put on her status update that she was late for work!

Rewind. You had time, when you're late for work, to put that onto Facebook before you went? See? Crazy!

On the other hand, you get miserable ol' gits like Ty who has been set up, but thinks its humbug and refuses to acknowledge friend requests... including mine! How hurtful is that? Sometimes I think he just doesn't care like he used to! Mind you, this is the bloke who went out with a group of us to a Tapas bar in Ibiza, helped order about 20 dishes, then say Tapas wasn't real food (as the juice of a shrimp ran down his chin...)
I think FACEBOOK is great. You can catch up with mates, send them video, photos etc. Its a bit less impersonal than email and more interactive. Any site that allows you to send Family Guy quotes to other people, gets my vote.

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