Sunday, December 31, 2006

Life on Mars

I am useless with xmas presents. Its not that I hate suprises...its just I hate suprises that I don't like! As a consequence I always write lists of the presents that will get the thumbs up from yours truly. That way I'm not disappointed and don't have to pretend I like gifts that are only good for returning to the shop. Is that ungrateful? Or just realistic?

Kaz hates my xmas lists and bought me a DVD not on the was "Life on Mars" 1st series.

If you haven't seen it, then you've missed a real treat. Its based on a copper called Sam who gets run over and is in a coma, but at the same time he's been transported back to 1973. So you have a great drama scenario unfold. A 21st century "PC" detective, having to work with a Reganesque DCI Hunt whose character is right out of the Sweeney! This sets you up with great comedy and great interaction between the aparently brutal Hunt and the heroic Sam. Except sometimes Sam's "holier than thou", and "I know better" attitude gets up your nose and you see that Hunt has hidden depths. I love the play between the characterisation and the visual aspect of the series. For example there are various references to sheriffs and the wild west, while in one scent Hunt puts up a poster of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" in his office. Sam asks Hunt which one is he. Hunt replies "All o' 'em". Classic

It also reminds me of growing up in the 70s and what a diverse decade it was. Oxford Bags at one end, drain pipes and safety pins at the other. Glam rock to punk rock. I was 8 when it started and 17 by the time it finished. Gola trainers, Ford Capri's, all the shops shut on Sunday...

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