Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not so much WoWo as WOW WOW!

Its been a busy summer for me, but last weekend I got to go away with Kaz on my own! It was bliss! We left on Friday and drove to a newly opened campsite near Sheffield Park called WoWo. It was on a organic farm but most importantly allowed camp fires and tries to get campers to recycle.

We got there and pitched our tent in a lovely recessed piece of the first field. We ate, drank far too much and generally had a great evening, although we killed two bottles of Weston's Organic Cider, a bottle of gin and a bottle of wine! Needless to say we felt like death warmed up the following morning.

We walked down passed the Bluebell railway and onto a very yuppy "Trading Boundaries" shopping, er building? Its a beautiful place to visit and is a real pleasure to walk around, but as I fingered the price labels I couldn't help wondering who could afford this stuff!

There were some beautiful trees on the way including a huge old oak tree that was now dead, but when you approached it from one side it looked like a knot of wooden cordage.

We walked back to the campsite and chilled out for the afternoon. Kaz tried her best to relax and managed it for about three hours. But in the end cracked under the strain and insisted on "doing something"...No, that meant going off exploring. We found loads of green hazelnuts and discovered they can be eaten that way, so we ended up foraging them and more sloes for my famous sloe gin that will be ready for xmas.

Then Kaz thought we should visit the Sloop pub, despite my suggestion that we do that the following day. Hey what do I know! The walk to the pub took us through Wapsbourne woods and down to the Ouse and a very quiet pub. We drank our cider and watched squirrels chasing each other through the trees and a Robin playing peakaboo in the hedge.

By the time we walked back, cooked dinner and made a fire we were both pretty bushed. We kept trying to party, but failed and retired to bed about midnight.

The following day we explored the site and chatted to the owner, an interesting bloke into laylines and other so called "new age" theories. We wanted to stay another night but I had an early start the following day so I couldn't.

We returned home with heavy hearts.

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