Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Poxy Ty

Jesus! Its been months since my last entry! I've had a great holiday in Ibiza, been to Montana, been to summer camp, etc. I will have to come back to them latter. This entry is about Ty...again! A couple of weeks ago we were due to go to Sally's house a Palestinian dinner... at least that's what I called it to wind her up.

Kaz and I called on the Goddards on the way. Poor Izzie was covered in chicken pox! Ty had been to Goodwood and had bought for him the most hideous jacket- green and blue check! Now !I'm not known for my satorial elegance but....!

Mr G lay semi prostrate feeling sorry for himself. "Bloody self inflicted wound" I thought to myself, and I could see the same thought dance fleetingly across Tina's face.

Anyhow I gave him a hug and his face was like a furnace! It brought back to me when I caught chicken pox at 17. At that point I knew for sure he had caught it too. We all went to Sally's and had a great evening, although Ty fell asleep on the sofa and I placed chocolates upon his nose or threw them at him to wake him up.

Two days latter I got a text from him "I've got chicken pox" it simply stated...

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