Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Snowed in, in Woodingdean!

Its been a bit hectic over the last week or so, with the right royal Blair Govt deciding to go ahead with quite possibly the most irresponsible privatisation of a public service to date. I'm referring, you may be suprised to hear, about the Defence Training Review. The idea is to close down loads of sites where training is currently provided, move it to South Wales and and sell it off to the lowest bidder. 4000 staff affected and potentially 2000 put into a compulsory redundancy situation... way to go, New Labour! Go back to sleep Britain, your country is safe in these fuckwits hands! Go back to sleep Britain; read the "Daily Shit"! Go back to sleep Britain, don't go outside, stay in and watch reality TV and live your life fact we have a private service provider to do it for you (for a fee).

Anyway, I'm involved in the PCS campaign to stop this job massacre and so was being interviewed on radio/TV etc and meeting the MoD. The Brigadier who runs the programme is genuinely bewildered as to WHY our members want to stay public sector workers! I'm looking forward to the bright New Labour spark who realises we could off shore the armed forces and get BAe Systems or Haliburton to run the show for us by privatising the General Staff et al.... Could you imagine the faces of the Generals, Air Marshalls and Admirals???!!!! Suddenly, privatisation would not be so warmly embraced!

Enough ranting....for now.

The snow fell over night and I had a meeting in Portsmouth, so I had to get up early. Some idiot had decided not to send the gritters out over night and the was mayhem at the crossroads at the centre of Woodingdean. As a consequence the buses weren't running and I couldn't get to the station. The picture above is my house beseiged by snow earlier today.

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