Sunday, May 20, 2007

Beware Sleepovers

America has a lot to answer for, Iraq, McDonalds, Michael Jackson, The Trail of Tears and SLEEP OVERS! I blame it on American TV. "When I were lad" we (one of us, maybe two) would be allowed as a very special summer holiday treat, to sleep over at a mate's house. But with my kids it seems to have become a weekly event. And its never one bleedin' kid, its a whole football team (or seems like it!) Either high pitched screams and laughter from Cassie's friends or growls and yells from Liam and his friends (I know that sounds sexist, but this is reportage not the world as I would like it be!)

When Cassie has friends over its cooking, making popcorn, dvds and looking on Bebo.

When its Liam, its creating a wrestling ring, X box 360, crisps and sweets.

Either way, they take over the front room and me and Kaz are banished like a couple of Palestinians to the Gaza Strip...ok our bedroom!

Liam had three friends over last night. I forced them upstairs but beat a retreat (he who runs away lives to fight another day) about 9.15pm. Earlier they had been playing in the garden when Honey took a shine to one of the boys sleeves on his hoody and promptly detached it from the rest of the garment before I could stop her.

I hate sleep overs.... ba humbug!

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